3/29/21 Sorrel is growing well. This one that is surrounded by cilantro is not getting eaten by the rabbits.
3/29/21 Sage overwintered well. I transplanted it into the garden near the greens. It smells really good.
3/30/21 Planted shade, beneficial insects, butterfly humming bird seed mixtures and wild milkweed seeds gathered last fall into mini greenhouses.
4/4/21 Removed cloches from greens, then surrounded them with cut off kale stalks to repel rabbits. It has been very warm and sunny. Dandelions are growing really good.
4/8/21 It has been raining which is good because it has been very dry with high fire danger. Red raspberries are getting leaves. Wild strawberries are greening up. Sedum, creeping charlie, and clover are all growing good. Daffodils are blooming. Black raspberries that the birds planted do not have leaves yet. Rhubarb that I planted last fall is growing good. We love rhubarb. Hurray!
Also this week I moved some daffodil out of the middle of the lawn to along the fence and dug up some thistles. Along with a couple buckets of dandelions. (I only do a bucket a day.)
4/9/21 Planted alyssum from mini greenhouse into garden. Also one pot of carrots. Probably will be able to start eating greens from the garden in a couple of weeks. I pulled up and threw away some garlic mustard from lawn today.
When it was really sunny I moved the mini greenhouses to the shade of the arbo vitae trees because they were drying out too fast. Overall I think the mini greenhouses are working pretty good.
There are a lot of worms in the garden. Lot of robins and sparrows. It's fun to see the sparrows hang upside down on the sunflower head. I can't wait to plant some sunflowers. It's still too early for warm weather crops. A lot of birds like our wild lawn and garden.
I was listening to Joe Gardener and Dr. Lee Reich talk about composting. I do have my two section black Miracle Grow composting tumbler and that's fun to use. However last year I alternated between putting grass/lawn clippings and wood chip layers on my garden. The lower layers seem to decompose so I imagine I'm doing a form of composting.