Sunday, April 30, 2023

4/29/30 Frost 5 times this week, Rain this weekend, Asparagus is coming up finally. Cherry blossoms, dandelions blooming

 Cherry blossoms starting. Daffodils ending. Dandelions, creeping charlie blooming. Chickweed growing. Roses leafing out.

Asparagus coming up. Greens growing well in coldframes. Cress flowering. Field peas doing well in open patio bed. Carrots coming up too in that bed. (Covered carrots with a sheet at night to protect from frost.

Planted peas in front circle garden. Ordered and received caraway and semi-trailing caraway seeds. Caraway is so expensive in the store. Same with Dill. Planted seedlings from greenhouse into front east garden. Moved the sedums to northwest side of house. Planted swiss chard and shade seedlings on west side of house with sedums. We cut the grass the first time this year. Grass is very long with all the rain. I have been pulling full buckets of dandelions every day from front lawn. Planted more hostas on north side of house and wood chipped around them so they won't get mowed. (The three I planted last year got run over with the lawn mower but they should survive.) Need to get more wood chips.

Greenhouse really still too cold for warm weather plants so I have been bringing in the Fenugreek. Can't wait to see if it really tastes like maple syrup.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

4/21/23 Magnolia blooming, some snow, rain, volunteer mustard, soil temp down to 50F

 Spring flowers, hostas are coming up in sunnier areas. Volunteer mustard greens coming up.

Moved seedlings to patio garden. All 5 fenugreek seeds sprouted so put in bigger pot. Planted some more seeds with my niece.

Snow but it was pretty well melted by the time I took a picture of it in the onions. Soil temperature back down to 50F.

Harvest: lots of chives and walking onion (more than we need), then mostly sorrel, cress, sylvetta arugula, some freckles and rouge d'hiver romaine, winter spinach, a bit of cilantro,  claytonia, pea shoots, mustard, rosemary, overwintered parsley....