4/23/22 Unbelievable nice day today! Started out in the 40s and sunny but ended up at 78F. South 20mph wind. We went for a long bike ride. Got a free wood chips from city yard. Holding off on free compost just in case it contains jumping worms. Moved unsprouted warm weather pepper plants to greenhouse which got up to 80-90F even with door open. At the end of the day it looked like Salsa pepper plants maybe starting to sprout. Guess they needed that extra heat. The warmest room in our house only gets to 70F. Put overwintered pepper plants outside in shade after rinsing off with hose. Opened up all the windows to warm and air out our house. Floors felt damp so turned on overhead fans to dry them up. Brought warm weather plants back in house at dusk since overnight temperatures were going to be in 40s.
Replanted San Marzano tomatoes and Purple Tomatillos into individual pots.
Thyme and Sweet Marjoram sprouted so moved them to their new home in greenhouse
Pumpkin microgreens sprouted so moved to new home in kitchen under grow lights.
Cold frame plants (especially the Claytonia) are doing well and recovering from Thursday's harvest. Not sure if the New Zealand spinach will recover from the cold weather or not. It's very tan.
Late in the evening I planted the strawberries that Terry gave me. Very nice plants.
4/24/22 Yesterday my husband moved patio pots away from clothesline and in a line off the edge of patio garden. We also decorated garden just for fun with kitschy art that people were throwing away. 61F outside, 67F in greenhouse. Rained last night. Supposed to rain today. Great room is warmer than normal at almost 70F. I put all the warm weather plants under grow lights in that room so they are easier to move in and out of the house.
Dandelions are growing very well so been picking about a bucket almost everyday. Right now just putting in compost bin to make more compost faster. Right side of compost in bin is ready so may spread on asparagus garden which is still not up. Clover appears to be growing well in the lawn too. Little blue starshaped flowers are up. Magnolia is starting to bloom. Roses are budding.