Wednesday, June 22, 2022

6/25/22 Cloudy, cool, misty day

Cooled down today. Basically in 70s, cloudy with mostly mist and drizzles. Not enough rain to measure in the rain bucket so will have to keep an eye on garden and water dry areas. Still getting radishes.

Flowering magnolia peas, tomatillos. The bottom leaves of tomatillo are yellowing so I'm picking them off and throwing them in the lawn. Yes, that is the way I compost and fertilize our lawn. Sometimes I throw the weeds under bushes if there are too many of them. A weed here and there basically dries up and disappears. I don't believe in adding chemicals to a lawn because I think it is a waste of money in addition to making me anywhere from somewhat ill to super sick where I can't breath and/or get out of bed. I also don't believe in watering an established lawn. Some grasses are supposed to go dormant when it get hot. I am trying to encourage the herbs and short flowers to colonize in our lawn so it smells nice when we cut it. The clover is doing well and flowering in the lawn.

The cress sprouted but it's very tiny. This is the first cress that I've planted that I've seen come up. Planted in garden using pot to protect it.

Planted some more mustard and arugula seeds in our house to plant out in garden after they sprout. Maybe one of these arugula variations won't mind the summer's heat. I have been cutting down some of the cilantro as it goes to seed and shades out plants to use as mulch. It smells really nice. A regular pair of scissors works great in the garden to cut down grass or weeds and harvest greens.

Mint is finally recovering after I redid the potting mixture in the garden bench. It smells very nice.

Picked some chives for supper. Picked some more peas and wasabi radishes. Also picked 2 red radishes out of front circle garden but didn't photo. Picked some oregano and dill to dry for winter. Started dehydrator about 8pm. Somewhat humid so will take longer to dry. Picked a seed pod that might be either arugula or red mustard. Rest of the seed pods are still green. A lot of arugula is still flowering in cold frame.

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