Thursday, August 11, 2022

8/6/22 First sunflower blossoms, ground cherries, cherry tomatoes, pepper, lots of chamomile

 Blue spice basil starting to bud. It smells very nice. Putting dill around the colorado wild spinach seems to keep the rabbit from nibbling on it. Pepper in patio garden. Ground cherry plants have finally started to produce. 2 sunflowers flowering behind west gardens. 

It's been a very mild summer. Somewhat dry but not too bad. Pretty humid 80-90% but relatively cool 60-70F most nights. While the days temperatures have been mostly closer to 80 with only a few 90+F days. There's been a lot of dew on the grass these last couple of mornings. Pretty soon we will start getting frost. Already the days are getting shorter. Sunrise/sunset, about 6am-8pm. So approximate day length is 14 hours.

I pulled up half the beans but am reluctant to pull up the rest since they are still producing. Maybe I'll plant the fall crops indoors in pots to transplant to the garden later this month. Very light crop of broccoli from 3 broccoli plants. I've been braiding the chamomile then hanging it. Pretty damp inside house right now as we don't have air conditioning. Dill in electric dryer is still damp. Maybe once winter comes with its drier air everything will dry. One hot tai pepper from overwintered pepper plant.

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