Wednesday, August 31, 2022

8/22/22 Dill, carrots, beets, broccoli flowers, nasturium flowers and leaves

 Carrots taste good even if they are ugly. We have clay soil with rocks mixed in so they don't grow perfectly straight. Skimmed a permaculture book from someone who lives near Nova Scotia near the ocean in a cold climate. They have a lot of animals. I don't really want animals right now. Except wild birds and bugs that visit are ok.

I really like how bushy fernleaf dill grows when it gets enough light. Dill is one of my favorite herbs for salads and I love it's fragrance. Still getting some beans.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

8/21/22 Planted romaine, arulgula, etc.

 Bees really like the sunflowers. Harvested some seeds. Planted romaine lettuce, arugula, etc. in northwest garden bed. I tried mostly to alternate romaine with arugula. I'm probably a little late but it should be interesting to see how long they last if I'm able to cover them on nights with frost and make a temporary cold frame.

Monday, August 29, 2022

8/20/22 Sunflowers turning their heads down. Chamomile slowing down. Fern leaf dill very productive.

 One volunteer sunflower that I let grow in garden bed is really tall. Taller than the ones I planted behind the west garden beds and front circle bed. Volunteer squash growing in patio bed.

Tomatoes are growing really well in patio garden, along with a few lemon gem marigolds, basil, beets and carrots. Tomato hoops work pretty well. We picked these ones up from someone throwing them away. Asparagus is growing so bushy that no weeds dare to grow in that bed. New Zealand spinach leaves are bigger in this shaded area. Alyssum, blackberries, and grandpa's rhubarb growing well.

Sunflowers are starting to turn their heads down. Strawberries are sending out a lot of runners. Rabbit ate most of the newly planted pea and bean plants. Pinwheels didn't keep them away. Broccoli plants are really tall with small flowers. Next year I would prefer dwarf broccoli if such a thing exists. Raspberries filling in and have a lot of blossoms and green raspberries. Still only getting a few here and there. I mostly eat them as fast as I pick them.

Tomatillos, tomato, ground cherries, chamomile, tai pepper, lots of dill from one fern leaf dill plant which was planted behind west garden bed. Tomatillos are easy to harvest. When they are ripe they fall to the ground just like ground cherries. I wish ground cherries would produce more. Cooked and froze a bunch of Kale.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

8/18-19/22 Tomatoes, beets, carrots. Wish I planted more beets and carrots. Garden plant descriptions

 I think the Colorado Wild Spinach may be blooming or starting to produce seeds. I am going to try to capture the seeds as I really like this plant. (And so do the rabbits unfortunately.)

Volunteer Kale in the clover patch.

Carrots, beet, tomatoes, tomatillos

Plant descriptions. Ordered many varieties of romaine. A bit tired of strong tasting greens. I have been slicing carrots and beets very thin to sweeten up the salad.