Sunday, July 24, 2022

7/19/22 Nasturium, Marigolds, Cilantro blooming. Broccoli almost 3 feet high. Recent sowing doing well.

 Pictures of west garden beds.

Beans are growing extremely well in north west end garden. Nasturiums and marigolds are blooming behind this garden along with a lot of cilantro volunteers. I'm working on cutting back wild grape vine with yucky, seedy, grapes that keeps trying to grow behind north end of garden.

I have been mulching middle, northwest raspberry garden with pea plants and cilantro when I cut them back. Birds seem to like the cut up pea plants and appear to be taking them somewhere. I have been having a tough time getting things to grow behind this garden. Finally the herbs; marjoram, dill, cilantro, and a poppy plant look like they might make it. Nasturiums, marigolds, and volunteer Kale are doing fine at south end of garden.

West middle garden: Broccoli is almost 3 feet high but no florets yet. Sunflower is over 5 feet. Beans and beets are doing fine. Plants don't seem to want to grow behind this garden either. Thyme is very small. Nasturiums and the lone tithonia that survived are just starting to grow. I wonder if the chemicals that my neighbor uses on his lawn have contaminated this soil. If that is the case I probably should only eat fruit and not greens from this area. Another good reason to make these fruit bearing perennial beds.

Southwest middle garden: That volunteer plant doesn't look like squash. I wonder what it is. Newly planted radishes, peas, beets, and beans seem to be doing well. Guess the rabbits like the weeds in the lawn better than these plants right now. Swiss chard doing well. Arugula and nasturium are blooming. Red cabbage still small. Goldie ground cherry and cukes are growing well.

Southwest strawberry garden. Strawberries are sending out runners. Cilantro blooming. Greens surviving but still small. Something ate the sylvetta arugula. One of the salsa pepper has decided to grow. Salsa and bojangle peppers that I grew from seed are having a tough time this year. It will be interesting to see if I get any peppers off of them.

I really love this rose in the front of the house. It blooms a long time. Unfortunately it has killer thorns. Picked some broccoli and brussel sprout leaves. Cooked and froze them for later. Right now not making salads because husband is home on vacation so he's cooking which he loves to do. Also he had the opportunity to do his mouth surgery earlier so now has to eat soft food.

I am thinking of making this trellis next year with my sunflower stalks. I want to try growing pole beans instead of bush beans.

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